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Upon receiving


This is the incoming message return webhook


Z-API does not accept webhooks that aren’t HTTPS

Updating the webhook#

To update the webhook route, you can do it through the API or through the admin panel.


You can change all webhooks at once to the same value using this endpoint.





You can also update the route with the "sent by me" option enabled.





Request Body#

"value": ""

Administrative panel#


Returns from webhooks#

The possible returns of the on-message-received webhook are registered below:


isStatusReplybooleanIdentifies if the received message is a status reply
senderLidstringWhatsApp contact ID
connectedPhonestringPhone number connected to the API
waitingMessagebooleanIdentifies if your message is in the "Waiting for message" status
isEditbooleanIdentifies if the received message was edited
isGroupbooleanIndicates if the chat is a group
isNewsletterbooleanIndicates if the chat is a channel
phonestringPhone number or group that sent the message
fromMebooleanIndicates if the message was sent from the number connected to the API
participantPhonestringPhone number of the group member who sent the message
participantLidstringWhatsApp contact ID of the group participant who sent the message
messageIdstringMessage identifier in the conversation
statusstringStatus of the message at the time of sending (PENDING, SENT, RECEIVED, READ, or PLAYED)
referenceMessageIdstringReferences the message if the received message is a reply to a previous message in the conversation
mommentintegerMoment when the message was received or the error occurred
messageExpirationSecondsintegerTime for temporary messages
requestMethodstringIdentifier for the incoming request method (invite_link OR non_admin_add)
typestringType of instance event, in this case "ReceivedCallBack"
photostringURL of the user's photo who sent the message
text.messagestringMessage text
image.captionstringPhoto caption
image.imageUrlstringURL of the photo
image.thumbnailUrlstringURL of the photo thumbnail
image.mimeTypestringMimeType of the image
audio.mimeTypestringMimeType of the audio
audio.audioUrlstringURL of the audio
video.captionstringVideo caption
video.videoUrlstringURL of the video
video.mimeTypestringMimeType of the video
contact.displayNamestringContact name
contact.vCardstringVCard containing contact information
document.mimeTypestringMimeType of the document
document.fileNamestringDocument name
document.titlestringDocument title
document.pageCountstringNumber of pages in the document
document.thumbnailUrlstringURL of the document thumbnail
document.documentUrlstringURL of the document
location.thumbnailUrlstringURL of the location thumbnail
location.longitudefloatLongitude of the location
location.latitudefloatLatitude of the location
location.urlstringURL of the location
location.namestringLocation name
location.addressstringLocation address
sticker.mimeTypestringMimeType of the sticker
sticker.stickerUrlstringURL of the sticker


Text return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228638000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"text": {
"message": "test",
"descritpion": "(optional) if the message has a description inserted by WhatsApp",
"title": "(optional) if the message has a title inserted by WhatsApp",
"url": "(optional) if the message has a url linked to it. Example: catalog message has a button 'See catalog'",
"thumbnailUrl": "(optional) if the message has a image thumbnail linked to it. Example: group invitation message has the image of group"

Template text return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "702CC5F7E0A6BF4421",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708457193876,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "Test Number",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "5544999999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"hydratedTemplate": {
"header": {},
"message": "message text",
"footer": "message footer",
"title": "message title",
"templateId": "790118069824606",
"hydratedButtons": []

Reaction return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228955000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"reaction": {
"value": "❤️",
"time": 1651878681150,
"reactionBy": "554499999999",
"referencedMessage": {
"messageId": "3EB0796DC6B777C0C7CD",
"fromMe": true,
"phone": "5544999999999",
"participant": null

Example return text (Button List)#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1634645380000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "Nome",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "Nome",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"referenceMessageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"buttonsResponseMessage": {
"buttonId": "1",
"message": "Ótimo"
"instanceId": ""

Example return text (Picklist)#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1634645683000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "Nome",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "Nome",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"referenceMessageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"listResponseMessage": {
"message": "Z-API Wings for your imagination",
"title": "Z-API",
"selectedRowId": "1"
"instanceId": ""

Image return example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228828000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"image": {
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"imageUrl": "https://",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://",
"caption": "",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://",
"width": 600,
"height": 315,
"viewOnce": true
"instanceId": ""

Template image return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "885FF934BF100D579E",
"phone": "554499999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708454725028,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "554499999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"hydratedTemplate": {
"header": {
"image": {
"imageUrl": "https://example.jpeg",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://example.jpeg",
"caption": "",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"viewOnce": false,
"width": 1600,
"height": 926
"message": "message text",
"footer": "message footer",
"title": "message title",
"templateId": "674504507982622",
"hydratedButtons": []

Audio feedback example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228849000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"audio": {
"ptt": true,
"seconds": 10,
"audioUrl": "https://",
"mimeType": "audio/ogg; codecs=opus",
"viewOnce": true
"instanceId": ""

Video return example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228889000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"video": {
"videoUrl": "https://",
"caption": "",
"mimeType": "video/mp4",
"seconds": 13,
"viewOnce": true
"instanceId": ""

Template video return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "0E4AD761B62E3D5EF9",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708456287181,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "5544999999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"hydratedTemplate": {
"header": {
"video": {
"videoUrl": "https://example.mp4",
"caption": "",
"mimeType": "video/mp4",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"seconds": 0,
"viewOnce": false
"message": "message text",
"footer": "message footer",
"title": "message title",
"templateId": "938481574354947",
"hydratedButtons": []

Contact feedback example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228925000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"contact": {
"displayName": "Cesar Baleco",
"vCard": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:;nome;;;\nFN:nome\nTEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=5544999999999:+55 44 9999-9999\nEND:VCARD",
"phones": ["5544999999999"]
"instanceId": ""

Document return example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228955000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"document": {
"documentUrl": "https://",
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"title": "nome",
"pageCount": 1,
"fileName": "nome.pdf"
"instanceId": ""

Template document return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "9D968A5FA2880508C4",
"phone": "554499999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708455444850,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "554499999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"hydratedTemplate": {
"header": {
"document": {
"caption": null,
"documentUrl": "https://example.pdf",
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"title": "",
"pageCount": 0,
"fileName": ""
"message": "message text",
"footer": "message footer",
"title": "message title",
"templateId": "811492407484976",
"hydratedButtons": []

Example of a group join request via an invitation link#

"isGroup": true,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999-group",
"connectedPhone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1682017970000,
"expiresAt": null,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantPhone": "5544999999999",
"referenceMessageId": null,
"externalAdReply": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"notificationParameters": [
"callId": null,
"code": null,
"requestMethod": "invite_link"

Example of a group join request added by a participant#

"isGroup": true,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999-group",
"connectedPhone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1682017970000,
"expiresAt": null,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantPhone": "5544999999999",
"referenceMessageId": null,
"externalAdReply": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"notificationParameters": [
"callId": null,
"code": null,
"requestMethod": "non_admin_add"

Localization’s feedback example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228970000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"location": {
"longitude": -99.999999999999999,
"latitude": -99.9999999999999999,
"address": "",
"url": ""
"instanceId": ""

Template localization return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "199016268742711@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "27BBF23E0185D363D9",
"phone": "554499999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708456969808,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "554499999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"hydratedTemplate": {
"header": {
"location": {
"longitude": -46.6388,
"latitude": -23.5489,
"name": "somewhere",
"address": "somewhere",
"url": ""
"message": "message text",
"footer": "message footer",
"title": "message title",
"templateId": "1143940003434066",
"hydratedButtons": []

Template OTP button return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "9D968A5FA2880508C4",
"phone": "554499999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708455444850,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "554499999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"hydratedTemplate": {
"header": {},
"message": "Message text",
"footer": "",
"title": "",
"templateId": "",
"hydratedButtons": [
"urlButton": {
"displayText": "Copy code",
"url": ""
"index": 0

Pix key button return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "9D968A5FA2880508C4",
"phone": "554499999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708455444850,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "554499999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"pixKeyMessage": {
"currency": "BRL",
"referenceId": "4PXRAHSIRDA",
"key": "pixkey",
"keyType": "EVP",
"merchantName": "Pix"

Button with image return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "9D968A5FA2880508C4",
"phone": "554499999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708455444850,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "554499999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"buttonsMessage": {
"imageUrl": "Image URL",
"videoUrl": null,
"message": "Message text",
"buttons": [
"buttonId": "1",
"type": 1,
"buttonText": {
"displayText": "Button text 1"
"buttonId": "2",
"type": 1,
"buttonText": {
"displayText": "Button text 2"

Button with video return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "3C67AB641C8AA0412F6A2242B4E23AC7",
"messageId": "9D968A5FA2880508C4",
"phone": "554499999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1708455444850,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "554499999999",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": false,
"buttonsMessage": {
"imageUrl": null,
"videoUrl": "Video URL",
"message": "Message text",
"buttons": [
"buttonId": "1",
"type": 1,
"buttonText": {
"displayText": "Button text 1"
"buttonId": "2",
"type": 1,
"buttonText": {
"displayText": "Button text 2"

Carousel return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"chatLid": null,
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "554499999999",
"fromMe": true,
"momment": 1739368022130,
"status": "SENT",
"chatName": "Nome",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "Nome",
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"fromApi": true,
"carouselMessage": {
"text": "Message text",
"cards": [
"header": {
"image": {
"imageUrl": "https://",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://",
"caption": "",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"viewOnce": false,
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"message": "Carousel card message",
"footer": "",
"title": "",
"hydratedButtons": [
"index": 0,
"urlButton": {
"displayText": "Button text",
"url": "https://"
"index": 1,
"quickReplyButton": { "displayText": "Button text", "id": "2" }
"header": {
"image": {
"imageUrl": "https://",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://",
"caption": "",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"viewOnce": false,
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"message": "Carousel card message",
"footer": "",
"title": "",
"hydratedButtons": [
"index": 0,
"urlButton": {
"displayText": "Button text",
"url": "https://"
"index": 1,
"quickReplyButton": { "displayText": "Button text", "id": "2" }

Sticker feedback example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228982000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"sticker": {
"stickerUrl": "https://",
"mimeType": "image/webp"
"instanceId": ""

Example of return of payment made#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632229683000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"requestPayment": {
"value": 1,
"currencyCode": "BRL",
"expiration": 1632834482000,
"requestPhone": "5544999999999",
"paymentInfo": {
"receiverPhone": "5544999999999",
"value": 1,
"currencyCode": "BRL",
"status": "WAITING",
"transactionStatus": "COLLECT_SUCCESS"
"instanceId": ""

Payment request return example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": true,
"momment": 1632230332000,
"chatName": "name",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": "5544999999999",
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"notificationParameters": ["5544999999999", "BRL", "1000"],
"instanceId": ""

Example of an admin promoted to newsletter#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "464201093",
"phone": "5544999999999@newsletter",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1682017970000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "newsletter name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantPhone": "5544999999999",
"referenceMessageId": null,
"externalAdReply": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"notificationParameters": ["5544999999999", "ADMIN"],
"callId": null

Example of an admin demoted of newsletter#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "464201093",
"phone": "5544999999999@newsletter",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1682017970000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "newsletter name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "",
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantPhone": "5544999999999",
"referenceMessageId": null,
"externalAdReply": null,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"notification": "NEWSLETTER_ADMIN_DEMOTE",
"notificationParameters": ["5544999999999", "SUBSCRIBER"],
"callId": null

Example of payment receipt return#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632230512000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"sendPayment": {
"paymentInfo": {
"receiverPhone": "5544999999999",
"value": 1,
"currencyCode": "BRL",
"status": "COMPLETE",
"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS"
"instanceId": ""

Product return example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632233527000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "5544999999999",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"product": {
"productImage": "https://",
"businessOwnerJid": "5544999999999",
"currencyCode": "BRL",
"productId": "99999999999999999999",
"description": "",
"productImageCount": 1,
"price": 1,
"url": "",
"retailerId": "",
"firstImageId": "",
"title": "name"
"instanceId": ""

Cart return example#

"waitingMessage": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632233527000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"senderName": "name",
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"forwarded": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"order": {
"itemCount": 1,
"orderId": "422508169684569",
"message": "",
"orderTitle": "name",
"sellerJid": "5544999999999",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://",
"token": "AR5d4yUr+DmSzeCR2kUtPEeMfS+eG0O+S/T/17B+oY1mfA==",
"currency": "BRL",
"total": 2000,
"subTotal": 2000,
"products": [
"quantity": 1,
"name": "nameProduct",
"productId": "5338924696127051",
"retailerId": "1242",
"price": 2000,
"currencyCode": "BRL"

Example of Poll Response#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"moment": 1632228638000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"poll": {
"question": "What is the best WhatsApp API?",
"options": [
"name": "Z-API"
"name": "Others"

Example of Poll Response Message#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"moment": 1632228638000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": "If it's a group, this will be the participant who responded",
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"pollVote": {
"pollMessageId": "ID of the poll message that was responded to",
"options": [
"name": "Z-API"

Send order return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228925000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"reviewAndPay": {
"type": "physical-goods",
"currency": "BRL",
"referenceId": "4N9AVI38VOB",
"orderRequestId": "4N9AVI38VYZ",
"orderStatus": "pending",
"paymentStatus": "pending",
"total": 605,
"subTotal": 600,
"discount": 10,
"shipping": 5,
"tax": 10,
"products": [
"name": "order 1",
"quantity": 2,
"isCustomItem": true,
"productId": "custom-item-4N9AVI38WI1",
"value": 150
"name": "order 2",
"quantity": 2,
"isCustomItem": false,
"productId": "23940797548900636",
"value": 150

Update order return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228925000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"reviewOrder": {
"currency": "BRL",
"referenceId": "4N9AVI38VOB",
"orderRequestId": "4N9AVI38VYZ",
"orderStatus": "processing",
"paymentStatus": "pending",
"total": 605,
"subTotal": 600,
"discount": 10,
"shipping": 5,
"tax": 10,
"products": [
"name": "order 1",
"quantity": 2,
"isCustomItem": true,
"productId": "custom-item-4N9AVI38WI1",
"value": 150
"name": "order 2",
"quantity": 2,
"isCustomItem": false,
"productId": "23940797548900636",
"value": 150

Newsletter admin invitation return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228925000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"newsletterAdminInvite": {
"newsletterId": "120363166555745933@newsletter",
"newsletterName": "Teste",
"text": "I want to invite you to be an admin of my channel on WhatsApp.",
"inviteExpiration": 1706809668

Pin message return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "5544999999999",
"fromMe": true,
"momment": 1632228955000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"pinMessage": {
"action": "pin",
"pinDurationInSecs": 604800,
"referencedMessage": {
"messageId": "3EB0796DC6B777C0C7CD",
"fromMe": true,
"phone": "554499999999",
"participant": null

Event return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": true,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "120363019502650977-group",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228638000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"event": {
"name": "Event name",
"description": "Event description",
"canceled": false,
"joinLink": "",
"scheduleTime": 1716915653,
"location": {}

Event response return example#

"isStatusReply": false,
"senderLid": "81896604192873@lid",
"connectedPhone": "554499999999",
"waitingMessage": false,
"isEdit": false,
"isGroup": true,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"phone": "120363019502650977-group",
"fromMe": false,
"momment": 1632228638000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"chatName": "name",
"senderPhoto": "https://",
"senderName": "name",
"participantPhone": null,
"participantLid": null,
"photo": "https://",
"broadcast": false,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"eventResponse": {
"response": "GOING",
"responseFrom": "554499999999",
"time": 1714423417000,
"referencedMessage": {
"messageId": "D2D612289D9E8F62307D72409A8D9DC3",
"fromMe": false,
"phone": "120363239161320697-group",
"participant": "554499999988"

Waiting message return example#

"isGroup": false,
"isNewsletter": false,
"instanceId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"messageId": "A20DA9C0183A2D35A260F53F5D2B9244",
"momment": 1736797729000,
"status": "RECEIVED",
"fromMe": true,
"phone": "5544999999999",
"chatName": "chat",
"senderName": "name",
"senderPhoto": null,
"photo": null,
"broadcast": false,
"participantLid": null,
"type": "ReceivedCallback",
"waitingMessage": true,
"viewOnce": true


In this case certify that you are sending the correct specification of the method. This means, verify if you sent a POST or PUT as specified at the beginning of this topic.


In case you receive 415 error, make sure to add the “Content-Type” of the object you are sending in the request headers, mostly “application/json”

Notification Response#


Notifications are WhatsApp messages that are based on WhatsApp preview message templates.

This way, the notifications we receive are documented here, if you do not want to receive these notifications, you must ignore the message when it arrives with the notification attribute.


campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Participante " + valor2.notificationparameters + " saiu do grupo!<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
// code block
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>As mensagens são protegidas com a criptografia<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Criou o grupo \'" + valor2.notificationparameters + "\'<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Participante " + valor2.notificationparameters + " adicionado.<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Chamada de voz perdida!<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Chamada de vídeo perdida!<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Participante " + valor2.notificationparameters + " foi removido.<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>As mensagens são protegidas com a criptografia de ponta.<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Você está conversando com uma conta comercial, mas ainda não foi confirmada pelo WhatsApp.<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Você está conversando com uma conta comercial verificada pelo WhatsApp.<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Esta conta comercial agora está registrada como uma conta pessoal e pode não mais pertencer a uma empresa.<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"
case "REVOKE":
campo_html = "<div align='center'><div class='alert alert-primary' role='alert'><span>Apagou uma mensagem.<br><br></span>" + campohora + "</div></div>"